Leaving  Amanda Leigh Lichtenstein



Adios to the louses who invented longing

Sayonara to the silent narrator in our lives

Livid is the girl who thought she knew the language

Anguished over the age and freshness of the day

A to Z an alphabet of dusk and haze to grope

The interloping hexagon of faith

Goodbye to the good eye and the good lie

Arrivederci to the cherry tree and her fruits

Kwa heri to the hurry lurking in our toes

Languid is the girl who thought she knew to swirl

See ya soon you sea of sighs

Keep in touch, you caped and weary cantor

I'll cry for you Argentina, Eva Peron!

I'll sketch your likeness in white

Totezines you xenophobes who played your oboes

Farewell airy wellspring of fever

Talk to you later all you skating stalkers

Write me while camel riding at sunrise

Call me and cull me a future we'll cheer

So long my letter to forever



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